
User Agreement

Last update: May 19, 2024

Last update: May 19, 2024

Subject of the Agreement 

This Agreement outlines the conditions under which the customer benefits from sales, marketing, and other services provided by HIPPOSOFT through its website, as well as the terms of site usage, privacy policy, and practices related to the processing, storage, and sharing of personal data. 

  1. General Provisions 

3.1. With this agreement, the MEMBER agrees to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations while benefiting from the services provided by the site. 

3.2. The MEMBER shall not engage in activities or transactions that prevent or complicate the use of services by others during the use of the website. 

3.3. The MEMBER is given a username and password for the use of the website by the system. The security of this information is the responsibility of the MEMBER. The MEMBER cannot share this information with third parties. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for any damages that may occur due to the use of the website for any reason. In such a case, the MEMBER agrees and declares not to claim compensation from HIPPOSOFT. 

3.7. In transactions made by the MEMBER using the website regarding the sale and delivery of goods/services, the rights and obligations of the parties are determined according to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 6502 and the “Regulation on Distance Contracts” published in the Official Gazette dated 06.03.2011 and numbered 27866. The buyer declares that he/she has knowledge of all the preliminary information about the basic characteristics of the goods/services subject to sale, the sales price, the payment method, the delivery conditions, etc., and the “withdrawal” right, and that he/she has confirmed this preliminary information electronically in accordance with Article 48 of Law No. 6502, and then ordered the goods/services. The preliminary information and the invoice on the payment page of www.hrplan.net are an integral part of this agreement. 

3.8. HIPPOSOFT has the right to suspend or terminate the MEMBER’s membership unilaterally at any time and under any condition. In this case, the MEMBER cannot make any claims. 

3.9. Even if the MEMBER has signed or approved this agreement, HIPPOSOFT may refrain from granting membership rights to the MEMBER. 

3.10. The opinions and thoughts declared and used by the MEMBER on the website or for the website are their personal opinions and thoughts, and they are legally and criminally responsible for them. 

3.11. All intellectual property rights on the website belong exclusively to HIPPOSOFT. All types of visuals, information, and measures published on the website are for informational purposes only and are not commitments by HIPPOSOFT. 

3.12. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for any links to other websites provided on the website. 

3.13. The MEMBER agrees to receive information, advertisements, campaigns, and other marketing practices about all kinds of products and services in accordance with current and future legislation. 

3.14. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for technical malfunctions that may occur on the site. 

3.15. User comments on the site content are not under HIPPOSOFT’s responsibility/commitment. Comments on the products sold are the opinions of the individuals and have no relation to HIPPOSOFT. 

3.16. The responsibility for credit or bank cards used for shopping in the system belongs to the MEMBER. 

3.17. Campaign terms apply to matters related to the campaigns conducted by HIPPOSOFT. The MEMBER agrees and undertakes that these terms can be changed unilaterally by HIPPOSOFT. The discounts and all rights given within the scope of the campaign are not commitments. 

3.18. During the delivery of products purchased from the website, a code/password may be sent via communication tools (mobile phone, email), and its declaration may be requested during delivery. 

  1. Termination of the Agreement 

4.1. While the MEMBER does not benefit from any service provided by HIPPOSOFT, the parties can terminate the agreement at any time. In this case, the MEMBER’s membership registration is frozen by HIPPOSOFT. 

4.2. While the MEMBER is benefiting from any service provided by HIPPOSOFT, the agreement can only be terminated upon the completion or cessation of this service. 

4.3. HIPPOSOFT has the right to unilaterally remove user profiles at any time. Users declare and accept that they do not have any claims from HIPPOSOFT for this reason. 

  1. Distance Sales Agreement 

This membership agreement between the parties also constitutes a distance sales agreement for products or services that may be purchased in the future. 

  1. Intellectual Property Rights 

All intellectual property rights related to the design and software rights aimed at the presentation of the site and its purpose belong to HIPPOSOFT. All kinds of changes can be made on the site without notice. 

  1. Site Usage Terms 

HIPPOSOFT reserves the right to change the terms of use of the site, terminate services, and update them at any time. These terms and updates are announced on the site. 

  1. Evidence Agreement and Applicable Law 

The courts of Istanbul are the authorities for resolving disputes between the parties. The addresses specified by the parties in this agreement are the addresses for notification, and all notifications and correspondences to be sent under this agreement will be sent to this address. 

If you wish to use your right to apply under Article 13 of the KVKK, you can reach us at [email protected]

  1. Enforcement of the Agreement 

This agreement will come into effect with electronic approval like distance sales agreements and will be stored with a time stamp. 

By using the site and entering the membership profile, this agreement and its annexes are deemed accepted. 

Subject of the Agreement 

This Agreement outlines the conditions under which the customer benefits from sales, marketing, and other services provided by HIPPOSOFT through its website, as well as the terms of site usage, privacy policy, and practices related to the processing, storage, and sharing of personal data. 

  1. General Provisions 

3.1. With this agreement, the MEMBER agrees to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations while benefiting from the services provided by the site. 

3.2. The MEMBER shall not engage in activities or transactions that prevent or complicate the use of services by others during the use of the website. 

3.3. The MEMBER is given a username and password for the use of the website by the system. The security of this information is the responsibility of the MEMBER. The MEMBER cannot share this information with third parties. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for any damages that may occur due to the use of the website for any reason. In such a case, the MEMBER agrees and declares not to claim compensation from HIPPOSOFT. 

3.7. In transactions made by the MEMBER using the website regarding the sale and delivery of goods/services, the rights and obligations of the parties are determined according to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumers No. 6502 and the “Regulation on Distance Contracts” published in the Official Gazette dated 06.03.2011 and numbered 27866. The buyer declares that he/she has knowledge of all the preliminary information about the basic characteristics of the goods/services subject to sale, the sales price, the payment method, the delivery conditions, etc., and the “withdrawal” right, and that he/she has confirmed this preliminary information electronically in accordance with Article 48 of Law No. 6502, and then ordered the goods/services. The preliminary information and the invoice on the payment page of www.hrplan.net are an integral part of this agreement. 

3.8. HIPPOSOFT has the right to suspend or terminate the MEMBER’s membership unilaterally at any time and under any condition. In this case, the MEMBER cannot make any claims. 

3.9. Even if the MEMBER has signed or approved this agreement, HIPPOSOFT may refrain from granting membership rights to the MEMBER. 

3.10. The opinions and thoughts declared and used by the MEMBER on the website or for the website are their personal opinions and thoughts, and they are legally and criminally responsible for them. 

3.11. All intellectual property rights on the website belong exclusively to HIPPOSOFT. All types of visuals, information, and measures published on the website are for informational purposes only and are not commitments by HIPPOSOFT. 

3.12. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for any links to other websites provided on the website. 

3.13. The MEMBER agrees to receive information, advertisements, campaigns, and other marketing practices about all kinds of products and services in accordance with current and future legislation. 

3.14. HIPPOSOFT is not responsible for technical malfunctions that may occur on the site. 

3.15. User comments on the site content are not under HIPPOSOFT’s responsibility/commitment. Comments on the products sold are the opinions of the individuals and have no relation to HIPPOSOFT. 

3.16. The responsibility for credit or bank cards used for shopping in the system belongs to the MEMBER. 

3.17. Campaign terms apply to matters related to the campaigns conducted by HIPPOSOFT. The MEMBER agrees and undertakes that these terms can be changed unilaterally by HIPPOSOFT. The discounts and all rights given within the scope of the campaign are not commitments. 

3.18. During the delivery of products purchased from the website, a code/password may be sent via communication tools (mobile phone, email), and its declaration may be requested during delivery. 

  1. Termination of the Agreement 

4.1. While the MEMBER does not benefit from any service provided by HIPPOSOFT, the parties can terminate the agreement at any time. In this case, the MEMBER’s membership registration is frozen by HIPPOSOFT. 

4.2. While the MEMBER is benefiting from any service provided by HIPPOSOFT, the agreement can only be terminated upon the completion or cessation of this service. 

4.3. HIPPOSOFT has the right to unilaterally remove user profiles at any time. Users declare and accept that they do not have any claims from HIPPOSOFT for this reason. 

  1. Distance Sales Agreement 

This membership agreement between the parties also constitutes a distance sales agreement for products or services that may be purchased in the future. 

  1. Intellectual Property Rights 

All intellectual property rights related to the design and software rights aimed at the presentation of the site and its purpose belong to HIPPOSOFT. All kinds of changes can be made on the site without notice. 

  1. Site Usage Terms 

HIPPOSOFT reserves the right to change the terms of use of the site, terminate services, and update them at any time. These terms and updates are announced on the site. 

  1. Evidence Agreement and Applicable Law 

The courts of Istanbul are the authorities for resolving disputes between the parties. The addresses specified by the parties in this agreement are the addresses for notification, and all notifications and correspondences to be sent under this agreement will be sent to this address. 

If you wish to use your right to apply under Article 13 of the KVKK, you can reach us at [email protected]

  1. Enforcement of the Agreement 

This agreement will come into effect with electronic approval like distance sales agreements and will be stored with a time stamp. 

By using the site and entering the membership profile, this agreement and its annexes are deemed accepted.